
Mozambique Island, Mozambique, 2016

Research in Progress

Colonial (Dis)Integration: Concession Companies and Human Development in Mozambique

Seminar and Conference Presentations: “International Conference on Empirical Economics”, Pennsylvania State University (August 2023); 7th InsTED Workshop: “Advances in Institutions, Trade and Economic Development”, Lancaster University (July 2023); Inclusive Growth in Mozambique Annual Conference: “Private Sector Dynamics and Well-being in Mozambique”, United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (November 2022); Brown Bag Lunch Seminar, Geneva Graduate Institute (May 2022).

Policy Reports

"Birth Registration in Asia and the Pacific: A Classification and Regression Trees Analysis to Identify the Furthest Behind Children", 2023.

[Publisher's Version]

"The Workforce We Need: Social Outlook for Asia and the Pacific", 2022.

[Publisher's Version]

"An Emerging but Vulnerable Middle Class: A Description of Trends in Asia and the Pacific", Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Journal, 2020, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 1-20.

[Publisher's Version]

"The Protection We Want: Social Outlook for Asia and the Pacific", 2020.

[Publisher's Version]

"Closing the Gap: Empowerment and Inclusion in Asia and the Pacific", 2019.

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"Poorly Protected: Social Outlook for Asia and the Pacific", 2018.

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Policy Paper Series on Inequality of Opportunity in Asia and the Pacific

"Pandemic Preparedness", 2022.

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"Financial Inclusion 2022 Update", 2022.

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"Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health", 2019.

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"Water and Sanitation", 2018.

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